1. Introduction
The aim of this document is to describe our CICD pipeline and our release process.
2. Release process
2.1. Version numbers
Version numbers X.Y.Z.label should be understood like this:
X: Major version, a major version adds new features and breaks compatibility with previous major and minor versions.
Y: Minor version, a minor version adds new features and does not break compatibility with previous minor versions for the same major version.
Z: Patch, a patch version only contains bug fixes of current minor version
Label: pre-release or build metadata:
SNAPSHOT: a version whose development is in progress, nightly builds only deliver SNAPSHOT versions
RELEASE: a version whose development is finished
2.2. Releasing Version
To release a version we use some Travis dedicated jobs. These jobs are triggered by specific commit keywords and rely on the VERSION file at the root of this repository to know which version is being produced. It is thus crucial to double-check the content of this file before any push (triggering the Travis jobs) is made. |
Before releasing a version, you need to prepare the release.
Considering a version X.X.X.SNAPSHOT.
2.2.1. In the source repository (operatorfabric-core)
Use the ./CICD/prepare_release_version.sh script to automatically perform all the necessary changes:
This will perform the following changes:
Replace X.X.X.SNAPSHOT with X.X.X.RELEASE in *.adoc, swagger.yaml files and the VERSION file at the root operator-fabric folder
Update the revision date in *.adoc files (by default, the new revision date is today, but see the script usage for details)
Change the version from W.W.W.RELEASE (previous release) to X.X.X.RELEASE in the deploy docker-compose file
The VERSION file is particularly important as the CI/CD pipeline tasks (building the documentation and the docker images for example) are based on it.
Commit with the template message:
[RELEASE] X.X.X.RELEASE (ci_docker,ci_documentation)
The commit comment leverages these three keywords to trigger the delivery of documentation and docker images, so you should check that they are correctly spelt.
ci_docker: triggers the build and upload of versioned docker images to dockerhub
ci_documentation: triggers the build and upload of the current documentation
Tag the commit with the version
git tag X.X.X.RELEASE
Push the commit
git push
Push the tag
git push origin X.X.X.RELEASE
Check that the build is correctly triggered
You can check the status of the build job triggered by the commit on Travis CI. The build job should have the following three stages:
Wait for the build to complete (around 30 minutes).
Check that the X.X.X.RELEASE images have been generated and pushed to DockerHub.
Check that the latest images have been updated on DockerHub.
Check that the documentation has been generated and pushed to the GitHub pages website (check version and revision date at the top of document)
You won’t be able to access it from the homepage until you have updated the _version.yml file in the opfab.github.io repository, so instead you can just type opfab.github.io/documentation/X.X.X.SNAPSHOT/developer_guide/ in your browser. -
Check that the tag was correctly pushed to GitHub and is visible under the releases page for the repository.
2.2.2. Checking deploy docker-compose
The deploy docker-compose file should always rely on the latest RELEASE version available on DockerHub. Once the CI pipeline triggered by the previous steps has completed successfully, and you can see X.X.X.RELEASE images for all services on DockerHub, you should:
Remove your locally built X.X.X.RELEASE images if any
Run each of the two docker-compose files to make sure they pull the images from DockerHub and behave as intended.
2.2.3. In the documentation repository (opfab.github.io)
In the _data/versions.yml file:
- name: X.X.X fullname: X.X.X.SNAPSHOT badges: - name: SNAPSHOT style: badge-snapshot
- name: X.X.X fullname: X.X.X.RELEASE badges: - name: RELEASE style: badge-release - name: CURRENT style: badge-current
Then remove the following lines from the previous release version:
- name: CURRENT style: badge-current
Commit and push changes
2.2.4. In Jira
Set all concerned tickets (US, BUG, FR) and set fix version to X.X.X.RELEASE
In the "Releases" screen release X.X.X.RELEASE version
2.3. Advertising the new release (opfab.github.io and mailing list)
Click the appropriate version from JIRA the release list to get the release notes (click "Release notes" under the version name at the top) listing new features, fixed bugs etc…
Take this text and use it to create a short post on the opfab.github.io repository (under _posts) announcing the release. This post should highlight new features and necessary upgrade actions if any.
Send the same content as an email to the opfab-announce@lists.lfenergy.org mailing list.
2.4. Preparing next version
You should wait for all the tasks associated with creating the X.X.X.RELEASE version to finish and make sure that they’ve had the expected output before starting the preparation of the next version. This is because any committed/pushed changes preparing the new version will make rolling back or correcting any mistake on the release more complicated. |
To prepare a next version you simply need to increment the version after a release (see Version numbers).
2.4.1. In the source repository (operatorfabric-core)
Use the ./CICD/prepare_snapshot_version.sh script to automatically perform all the necessary changes:
./CICD/prepare_snapshot_version.sh --version Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT
This will perform the following changes:
Replace all occurrences of X.X.X.RELEASE by Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT EXCEPT in the deploy docker-compose file (src/main/docker/deploy/docker-compose.yml). The files concerned are *.adoc, swagger.yaml files and the VERSION file at the root operatorfabric-core folder.
The VERSION file is particularly important as the CI/CD pipeline tasks (building the documentation and the docker images for example) are based on it. If no --version parameter is provided to the script, the new version will be the next minor version.
Add a Y.Y.Y.RELEASE.adoc file (blank except for copyright and title) under src/docs/asciidoc/release_notes to initialize the release notes for next version.
Commit and push changes with the following message:
[PREPARE] next version: Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT
2.4.2. In the documentation repository (opfab.github.io)
In the _data/versions.yml file, add the Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT version
- name: Y.Y.Y fullname: Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT badges: - name: SNAPSHOT style: badge-snapshot
Commit and push changes.
2.4.3. In Jira
In the "Releases" screen create a Y.Y.Y.RELEASE version.
2.4.4. Checking DockerHub the following day
A CRON Travis job runs daily (the time of the day may vary) and generates the documentation and docker snapshot images. After you have finished switching to the Y.Y.Y.SNAPSHOT version, you should wait for such a job to run and check that the snapshot images are correctly generated and pushed on DockerHub.
3. CICD Scripts
- CICD/prepare_release_version.sh
performs the changes necessary to tag a RELEASE version
- CICD/prepare_snapshot_version.sh
performs the changes necessary to tag a SNAPSHOT version